The term “ZOG”

“ZOG” is a term which stands for “Zionist Occupational Government” – a conspiracy theory that claims that a government – principally one in the West, is under the control of Israel, or simply the Jews.

The term has been used by far-right activists of various stripes to describe how Jews secretly control the world, and that the nation they happen to live in is a vassal to Zionist power – “Zionist” now meaning more than a supporter of the state of Israel, but some form of racial hierachy that Jews stand on top, at least in terms of political influence.

“ZOG” has its ideological predecessor in the concept of “Cultural Bolshevism” – which defined its opposition to Communism by racializing the movement as a Jewish conspiracy. It also draws from the racial stereotype of the “greedy Jewish merchant” originating from the Middle Ages. Ironically, the basis for that stereotype was that banking was one of the few occupations that Jews in Europe were permitted to do because the Christian world then had strong prohibitions against usury.

Fascists and (neo-)Nazis have also historically hated liberal democracy, viewing it as a means to weaken a particular people. However, their hatred of liberal democracy stems from its essentialism and anti-modernist worldview. It despises plurality in favour of a unitary, binding ideology that can raise a people (specifically White people) and make it strong. A so-called Zionist Occupational Government, according to claimants is maintained by high immigration, promotion of multiculturalism, changing the powers of government to that of the control of finance, and subverting national banks. Primarily, the goal of “ZOGs” is the elimination of the White race. Proponents of this conspiracy theory are therefore usually opposed to international institutions and bureaucratic organisations.

Jews in this demonology are somehow inferior to white people and subhuman, yet are also able to maintain a covert means of global domination. Such an obvious logical contradiction should expose the entire concept to be preposterous. However, believers claim that it is due to the “parasitic” nature of Jews in the host peoples that weaken the latter and make the former strong. This “theory” inadvertently reveals the hidden anxieties of its believers: that their way of life either isn’t or didn’t start off in innocence, and of the insecure self-conception of the people who believe in it.

The logical conclusion of this conspiracy theory is as obvious as it is disturbing; the overthrow of the “ZOG” along with its “puppets”, and the maintenance of a highly authoritarian society. In other words, a society reproduced like the one in Nazi Germany. Its nature would make to be even more eliminationist of what they claim “ZOGs” are, and focused on the “strength” (read:propogation) of its people. This means even putting aside racial minorities, LGBTQ+ people would likely be under threat. “ZOG” exists as a placeholder term for the anxieties of having a familiar world, if only in conception – disrupted by change, and a reaction to return to a purer society.

Good article on the concept:

See also:

  • “Cultural Marxism”
  • Antisemitism
  • Anti-communism
  • Jewish global domination conspiracy theory
  • White supremacy
    • “White genocide”
    • Whiteness as exclusionary