Quick Updates: George Floyd, Lockdown, And Other Stuff

To be honest, a lot has went on. Pretty much every day I get involved in some form of activism is every three weeks that I do not write. Technically, I ‘write’ all the time – as does everyone in the digital age – but I imagine that you know what I mean by this. I’ve been musing a bit about whether to instead set up a Medium page instead, but I guess that would have to mean abandoning this website in favour of another one – and approaching a whole new outlook on this – particularly with respect to the anonymity that I have previously maintained. It’s a bit annoying since this announcement has come when I’ve written in total less than forty posts so far. Most of the ones that I do follow somehow are able to squeeze out dozens in a month. I can scarcely imagine the level of free time that these people actually have. Nevertheless, these are the topics that I have in mind:

Racial injustice

It’s on everyone’s lips after the dying scream heard around the world. It’s been exactly a month since the murder of George Floyd on the hands of police, particularly one Officer Derek Chauvin, who after pinning him to the ground, forced his knee into Floyd’s neck as he begged for his life. This came at a pivotal moment in human history – particularly the coronavirus pandemic and video-sharing across social media – millions across the world saw the final moments of a 46-year old black man in America whose life ended because he was alleged to have forged a $20 bill. The protests that took place across America has overshadowed almost completely the presidential race and has – at least for the moment reshaped the politics and society as never before. While the Civil Rights Era remains on the public consciousness as comparative event, even that was never in comparison to what has occured over the past month. More so, the reaction triggered an international show of solidarity in support of the Black Lives Matter movement – and included their contemporary instances of racial injustice. Media (both traditional and online) and the public space in those countries have either responded affording it the space with sensitivity towards the situation or having the conservation thrust upon them with the removal of statues and works represnting racial oppression. This article is coming very soon.

The lockdown of lockdown

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an end of the regular daily Downing Street press conferences of the coronavirus situation in the United Kingdom and has all but indicated that lockdown measures are slowly being lifted – people can meet up to “two households” and up to six people from different households. Public places such as the library, community centres, places of worship, playgrounds and gyms would be able to open provided that measures are taken to limit the transmissions. The same with cinemas, bars, hotels and campsites. The recommended social distancing has now reduced to 1 metre between other people. All of these are to take place from 4th July. It is worth noting that there have been many false starts thanks to the inconsistent and in some cases, overly optimistic assessment of the containment measures that had taken place – leading to a confused message and several instances of people flouting the government advice. It being summertime also plays some part of it. Officially, there has been an estimated 300,000 cases of coronavius, with 43,000 deaths – though the real number could well be as high as 70,000. Perception of Boris Johnson’s has plummeted over the weeks – and he has resisted so far all attempts of an inquiry into his government’s response to the crisis. This too, will receive an article in due course.

Other stuff

Topics like my ever mosaic daily routine, and current thoughts on party politics – and the scope of possibility of a different system are playing in my mind. The problem is the range of stuff that I’m up to occupying my time – not all of them are urgent, but must are educational. I would say everything in some form is “educational”, but there you go. There’s also the edts to old articles that I’ve not come around to doing, but that will happen very soon. Beyond that, this space is gonna be open for a while.

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